Animated Illustrations
Relativistic Photon - Equal Path Lengths
A single photon takes two paths through a double slit and constructively interferes with itself on the screen. Since the path lengths are equal, the two relativistic wave components, both traveling at c, arrive at the screen at the same time. There is no way to tell which path the photon took, and the use of detectors in either or both of the slits destroys the interference pattern.

Relativistic Photon - Unequal Path Lengths
A single photon takes two unequal length paths to a screen. Even though the components arrive in phase, they arrive at different times, since both must travel at a speed of c. There is no way to achieve the characteristic interference fringe patterns associated with the build up of multiple single-photon events in a relativistic model, as there is no interference from the various components of a single photon at any point other than the one point of equal path lengths. There is no constructive interference where the wave components arrive in phase, nor destructive interference where they arrive out of phase, because they arrive at different times. Interference in the relativistic case can occur only if there are multiple photons, and yet the interference patterns exist even when looking at a large collection of single photon events.

RCM Photon - Single Slit, Equal Path Lengths
A single photon takes two paths through a double slit and constructively interferes with itself on the screen. In order to constructively interfere. all components must reach the screen at the same time. The wavelength of the faster components is directly proportional to the increase in speed and the angle of incidence. As a result, all components arrive at the same time, and with the same effective angle of incidence and wavelength, allowing for constructive interference.

RCM Photon - Illustration of Effective Angle and Wavelength
Two components of a single RCM photon with different velocities and therefore wavelengths strike a screen at different angles at the same time. In rotating the longer wavelength component through to the angle of the other component, the effective angle, speed and wavelength is shown to be the same for both components. This is how different components of the same wave can take separate paths, yet arrive at the screen at the same time with the same effective wavelength and speed, causing constructive interference.

Jupiter's moon eclipses occur as expected in RCM
As the side-by-side comparison shows, there is no timing discrepancy in astronomical observations of eclipsing objects under the tenants of RCM theory.

A View of the Pioneer 10 Spacecraft Trajectory
The view of the trajectory of the Pioneer 10 spacecraft looks quite different from the Earth than from the Sun. Transforming signals from one frame to another may produce anomalies in calculated Doppler signals.

Clocks Calibrated in Different IFRs Run at the Same Rate
Two observers, moving with respect to each other, who each construct identical clocks in their respective IFRs, will determine that the other's clock is running at the same rate as their own. This can be accomplished by each observer sending a radio signal based on the frequency of its clock to the other observer. After accounting for motion induced Doppler in the received signal, each observer will conclude that the initial rate of the other's clock is the same as their own.

Identical Clocks From Different IFRs Experience Identical Slowing When Placed In Motion
Clocks constructed by Alice and Bob in different IFRs will run at the same rate. If these two exchange clocks, each clock that is placed in motion will experience slowing with respect to its calibrated rest frame. When the clocks are given back, each will have accumulated less time than the stay at home clock, but will now be running synchronously with the stay at home clock.

Simultaneous Events for Moving Observers - Case I
In Case I, each of three observers will detect the light from a distant flash simultaneously, though at different locations. The Doppler shift in their observed frequencies betrays relative motion with respect to the source, thus each observer is able to agree on the distance from, and time since, their current locations.

At Rest From All Frames of Reference
Make equally spaced marks along a piece of elastic, than pull one end forward at 100 kph. Allow automobiles to travel along side the elastic at any velocity they choose between 0 and 100 kph. If they travel witha camera with an open shutter, one line will appear in sharp focus at the center of their plate. All such autos will conclude they have photographed an object that is at rest from all frames of reference. Of course, the real situation bears no resemblance to this conclusion.

Simultaneous Events for Moving Observers - Case II
In general, observers in motion with respect to one another, will detect light from a distant event at different times, or different locations, or both. In Case II, each of three observers will detect the light from a distant flash at the same location, though at different times. The Doppler shift in their observed frequencies betrays relative motion with respect to the source, thus each observer is able to agree on the distance from, and time since, their current locations.
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